Blogging is not just for personal interests and business can also leverage on the wide marketing reach of blogs to access more customers than would have been impossible without a blog.
Blogging should be one of the online marketing strategies for a business. As a business, you should create a blog that handles all your online engagements from sharing informative pieces with your customers to new product releases and industry related matters.
This not only helps for a seamless interactions with your customers, it also build your brand with positions your business as an authority in your field and helps acquire more customers.
Creating a blog for your business is a little different from a personal blog. Here’s what you need to know.
Have a strategy
You can start a business blog and figure things out as you go along. This approach can often lead to a PR disaster and damage your brand instead of building it.
You need to lay down what you expect to gain from your blog in relation to your business objectives, the problems you seek to solve, and what aspect of the business to be contained therein.
This is because different goals require different approaches in both web design and content. For instance, the layout and design of a blog will be different if your goal is to have a simple platform where your customers can give feedback on your products when the purpose is merely to provide information about your business and that’s it.
Of course, the blog should be promotional of your business but avoid stuffing your blog with your products and services. That’s the work of the main site. The blog service should serve to direct traffic to your business website and initiate conversations about your brand. The marketing should be direct otherwise you run the risk of losing your audience.
As a general rule, not more than half of the content in your blog should be about your business with remaining percentage shared amongst industry matters and current affairs.
Writing the blog
You can blog writes who are part of your marketing team or hire an agency like Your Content Shop (View Website). It all depends on your budget.
Whichever option you choose, the person to in charge of your blog should be in possession of good writing and editing skills. They must ensure that your blog is regularly updated so that you get higher search engine rankings on the grounds of having more volumes of indexed content.
Even if you use a casual and friendly approach in your blog, the language should be civilized, without any expletives. You don’t want to be the business that swears at its customers.
The content for your blog should be original and interesting. Avoid plagiarizing content from other websites.
More importantly, you want your audience to share your content and engage you through comments.
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